The most common MSD among farmers
1. Tendinites: repetitive movements, such as manual harvesting or using agricultural tools, can cause tendinitis, especially in shoulders and wrists.
2. Lumbar pain: lifting and carrying heavy loads, as well as working in uncomfortable positions, can lead to lumbar pain.
3. Shoulder injuries: lifting heavy objects, working with vibrating tools and carrying out repetitive shoulder movements can increase the risk of shoulder injuries, such as mangoon injuries or shoulder tendinitis.
4. Muscle and joint pain: work in uncomfortable positions, binding postures and exposure to vibrations of agricultural machinery can cause muscle and joint pain.
5. Dorsalgies: Lumbar pain and prolonged standing work are associated with back pain.
6. Problems of neck and spinal column: working in positions such as growing, leaning or looking up for long periods can exert pressure on the neck and spinal column, causing problems in these areas.