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Mapping Postural Risks in France: A Regional Analysis


Thanks to over 20,000 LEA analyses in France, we have unprecedented visibility into postural risks at work. This newsletter aims to provide you with insights from these postural assessment data. Subscribe to stay updated with our exclusive information.

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Postural risks are directly linked to the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). As we explained in our last newsletter, MSDs are the leading cause of occupational illness in France (INRS) and significantly impact the quality of life of those affected.

MSDs also have a significant impact on the economic health of businesses. Here are some figures :

In France, MSDs account for 30% of all work-related absences.

The average duration of a work-related absence due to back pain is 2 months, representing a cost of nearly 1 billion euros per year solely for back-related MSDs (Assurance Maladie, Ameli.fr).

It is clear that this issue should not be neglected. However, it remains challenging to anticipate the onset of MSDs due to the limited data on the incidence of risk factors. In other words, the frequency with which these risk factors appear in the population is not well known.

With our LEA application, we can identify the postural risks that workers are exposed to and the MSDs they may develop. This could enable optimal adaptation of preventive measures, tailored to the needs and specificities of different regions and professions. 

Today, we present a geographic distribution, region by region, of the postural risks related to back issues.

We can observe that in a region like Hauts-de-France, more than 50% of the analyses reveal high-risk movements for the back. The regions of Grand Est, Île-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, and Occitanie also appear to be at high risk. In contrast, the northwestern regions of France are relatively less affected.


For more information on how LEA works, check out the very first edition of our newsletter : Understanding Postural Analysis with LEA.

Please note that these analyses are based solely on data collected with LEA. We are aware that, by their very nature, they tend to highlight risky situations, which may not fully reflect the reality of workplaces.

Nevertheless, when postural risks are identified, it is crucial to take them seriously, whether you are an employer or a worker.

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