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Understanding Postural Analysis with LEA



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The primary objective of postural analysis with LEA is the proactive prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), those insidious afflictions that threaten professionals across all sectors.

MSDs are the most frequent and debilitating occupational diseases. Low back pain, tendinopathy, or chronic shoulder pain are among the most well-known. They are costly for companies and degrade the quality of life of those affected.

Combining these adages, we pave the way to LEA, our simple and effective postural analysis tool. But how does it work?

The first step in postural analysis is to detect the positions of an individual's body segments. For this, we use a pose estimation algorithm. It is a computer vision technique that allows us to determine, in a video, the location of the arm, head, leg, etc.

With the positions of the different segments, we can now determine the trunk flexion angle or the joint position of the shoulder. A degree of risk is associated with each body segment.

For example, we know that prolonged posture with the trunk bent forward is a risk factor for MSDs of the back. The standard for determining postural risks, RULA, allows us to evaluate the risk for all joints. In the LEA application, segments displayed in red are those for which a risk has been detected.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the results obtained with LEA reflect only a fraction of a person's workday. LEA is not a magical tool, but the application provides a window of observation to objectively analyze workers' posture and their exposure to MSD risks.

Advice from an ergonomist, occupational health physician, or postural analysis specialist is always necessary to interpret the results of an analysis made with LEA and consider solutions tailored to the situation.

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