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A análise postural é essencial
A análise postural é essencial
341 visualizações

Plus de 30 % des accidents du travail sont liés à une mauvaise posture ou à des gestes répétitifs, selon les données...

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Compreender o RULA: Melhore as suas avaliações ergonómicas com o LEA
Compreender o RULA: Melhore as suas avaliações ergonómicas com o LEA
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LME: um desafio permanente
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Costas ou ombros? Apenas 10% dos trabalhadores estão em risco em ambas as frentes – O que significa isto?
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O LEA é amplamente utilizado em França e no resto do mundo. Mais de 30.000 análises já foram realizadas por vós,...

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L'ergonomie optimisée avec LEA - Gagnez du temps et réduisez les risques de TMS
L'ergonomie optimisée avec LEA - Gagnez du temps et réduisez les risques de TMS
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Grâce à plus de 20 000 analyses LEA réalisées en France, nous bénéficions d'une visibilité inédite sur les risques...

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Riscos posturais na construção e logística

1561 Visualizações

Postural risks in construction and logistics

Thanks to over 20,000 LEA analyses in France, we have unprecedented visibility into postural risks at work. This newsletter aims to provide you with insights from these postural assessment data. Subscribe to stay updated with our exclusive information.

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In our last newsletter, we observed that postural risks can vary from region to region. Today, we're going to look at how these risks also differ from one activity sector to another.

MSDs in construction and logistics: high vulnerability 

The construction, logistics and transport sectors are particularly affected by musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) (Assurance Maladie,

Carrying heavy loads, poor posture due to working conditions and repetitive movements are all risk factors for the onset of MSDs, making these professions particularly vulnerable to these health problems. But the risks are not quite equivalent between these two sectors.

Construction vs. logistics: a notable difference

The graph below gives us an overview of the risks associated with each of these sectors, and also shows how risks in France compare with the rest of the world.

It can be seen that risks in the construction sector are generally higher than in logistics. For example, regarding the trunk, 49% of analyses carried out with LEA indicate a risk in the construction sector, compared with only 33% in logistics.

This could be explained by several factors. The physical nature of construction tasks often involves heavy loads, awkward postures, and poorly adapted workstations. In addition, ergonomic awareness and practices are probably less developed than in the logistics sector.

France vs world: comparable risks

We can observe that, with the exception of elbow risks in the construction sector, there are no major differences between risks in France and those in the rest of the world. Indeed, the professions in these sectors are fairly universal, and there's no reason why practices and postures should be radically different.

Para mais informações sobre como funciona a LEA, confira a primeira edição da nossa newsletter: Understanding Postural Analysis with LEA

Observe que essas análises são baseadas exclusivamente em dados coletados com a LEA. Temos consciência de que, pela sua própria natureza, tendem a evidenciar situações de risco, que podem não refletir plenamente a realidade dos locais de trabalho.

No entanto, quando são identificados riscos posturais, é fundamental levá-los a sério, quer seja empregador ou trabalhador.

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